Assets On The Go

Assets and Tasks

Major Update for Version 3

Assets On The Go is a simple to use asset management app that we developed to keep track of our yacht’s fixtures, fittings and contents. It can just as easily be used for an RV, caravan, a house, or personal belongings. Anything really.

It helps keep track of your valuables, recording details such as: purchase cost and date; receipt; instruction manuals; and other important information you wish to keep. All in one easy to find place.

As with all of our apps, Assets On The Go, will work completely off the grid. The app stores its data in a document which you can then share or move around like any other file. You can have as many asset documents as you want.

Main Features

  • Attach a purchase invoice/receipt.
  • Attach images and documents: eg. a user manual.
  • Create maintenance tasks.
  • Link tasks to assets.
  • Search assets, task, receipts.
  • Doesn’t require an internet connection.
  • Uses a file to store data which can be shared, copied, moved, renamed, etc, like any other file.

– iPad templates by Robbie Pearce